From the booklet "One for the Money" by Elder Marvin J. Ashton, we bring you the LDS Financial Guide in app form!
***This app goes through the 12 keys principles that will guide you and your family to financial success.***
Elder Spencer W. Kimball endorsed Elder Ashtons message by saying:
"I agree with all that Brother Ashton has said...with regard to family financing in the home. Every family should have a budget. Why, we would not think of going one day without a budget in this Church or our businesses. We have to know approximately what we may receive, and we certainly must know what we are going to spend. And one of the successes of the Church would have to be that the Brethren watch these things very carefully, and we do not spend that which we do not have."
"Being a financial coach and teaching hundreds of students worldwide, I can truly say this app is the key to financial freedom!"
*** Look for our other top selling apps under our company name: blufish ***